(I018) The Roots: GROUNDED in Values Part I

“A tree with strong roots can withstand the most violent storm, but the tree can’t grow roots just as the storm appears on the horizon.” — Dalai Lama

Leadership, like nature, thrives when it is deeply rooted. Resilience is not built in the chaos of the storm but in the quiet, intentional work of cultivating the values that ground us. Courage, vulnerability, self-awareness, and perspective are the foundational roots that sustain great leaders, enabling them to inspire trust and navigate challenges with grace.

Without these roots, leadership feels fragile and reactive. Leaders who avoid risk, shy away from hard conversations, or operate without self-awareness create instability, leading to disconnected teams and cultures of fear. In contrast, leaders with strong roots create environments where people feel safe, valued, and inspired to grow.

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(I017) And So... Aligning Your Why